
Turkey is the second country in the world in access to higher education with 94.2% schooling rate. Turkey involved in European Higher Education Area is implementing the Bologna Process in a perfect way; our Bologna report is 5 out of 5. So, the diploma you receive from a university in Turkey is recognized in all European countries! As course credit system, ECTS is applied in accordance with Europe and all students are given Diploma Supplement. In addition, Turkey is one of the most successful countries participating in the exchange programs under Erasmus +. 

In addition to Erasmus, there are many exchange programs in Turkey, such as Mevlana, Farabi, which support the mobility of students and lecturers.

To support and coordinate education promotions through seminars and exhibitions, marketing and recruitment activities. Communicating the needs and visions of our clients in a well-managed and quality assured manner for the realization of the full scope of marketing objectives.

Documents needed to Study in Turkey

Language - Turkish

- Photo
- Scan du passeport
- Copie des diplômes obtenus (Baccalauréat et éventuellement d’autres certificats)
- Copie des relevés de notes
- Formulaire d’admission
- Attestation de stage

Bachelor - Licence

- Photo
- Scan du passeport
- Copie des diplômes obtenus (Baccalauréat et éventuellement d’autres certificats)
- Copie des relevés de notes
- Formulaire d’admission
- Attestation de stage

Master Degree

- Photo
- Scan du passeport
- Copie des diplômes obtenus (Baccalauréat et éventuellement d’autres certificats)
- Copie des relevés de notes
- Formulaire d’admission
- Attestation de stage

PhD - Doctorat

- Photo
- Scan du passeport
- Copie des diplômes obtenus (Baccalauréat et éventuellement d’autres certificats)
- Copie des relevés de notes
- Formulaire d’admission
- Attestation de stage

What You Waiting For ?

Complet Your Documents and Apply Now , Our Team Will Help you to choose the Right choice  ” Universities + Programs + Cities ” , Don’t waste your Time About Thinking how to study Abroad , We Are here For You

About Us

Uwin International Center, Education Consulting Agency Located in Morocco, Help Moroccan Students To continue their study abroad

مركز يووين الدولي المتخصص بالتوجيه المدرسي للطلبة المغاربة المهتمين بالدراسة في الخارج في جامعات ذات جودة تعليم عالي و معترف به عالمياً